Yes. We provide actual values and historical data for daily benchmark bond rates for different maturities, from 1 month to 30 years.
Our regional coverage is global extending from America to Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.
Long-run price history (+10 years) is available.
Area of Use:
Bond rates and yield curves are key aspects of the financial markets and often tracked by investors, economists, mutual fund managers and policy makers along with the conventional indicators such as growth rates, central bank lending rates and inflation. Bond yields are considered as key means of gauging the well-being of a country’s economy.
Government securities may not have a direct effect on our personal finances however the yield curve can tell us on the direction in which the country’s economy is headed. They are crucial for stock selection to deciding when to refinance a mortgage.
Portfolio managers use top-down analysis to determine bonds that may rise in price due to favorable economic environment. For example, when emerging economies have become greater contributors of global growth in recent years, many government bonds in these countries have risen in price.